November 2 to visit harecrypta came Motty Lavie, Co-founder and CEO of the project Braavos.
What is the focus of the Braavos project at the moment?
At the very beginning, the main goal was to make the wallet more secure, for this purpose 2FA and 3FA were created. The next level (goal) is to allow users to easily earn money. For now, Braavos' focus is on Pro Score and user experience with dApps.
What new features are coming to Braavos Wallet?
At the moment, it is possible to give approval to transactions only from the phone (Hardware Signer), in case the seed phrase / private key is compromised.
What are the reasons why the community should continue to support Braavos?
Braavos supports its community, brings new solutions in terms of security and capabilities, and provides the opportunity to explore new dApps.
Any plans for a Braavos token in the future?
Braavos is definitely thinking about it, but not at the moment.
If Metamask adds the Starknet network, any thoughts?
Metamask has already added the Starknet network, thanks to Snaps. But Metamask is significantly different from Braavos and will have a much harder time achieving the same capabilities. It's like comparing Nokia and iPhone.
Does Braavos plan to add new networks?
Users want to pay less fees and get DeFi opportunities. And Starknet provides such opportunities, unlike other networks.
Hardware Signer function on iPhones and Androids with different versions. How will this affect security?
Braavos attempts to use the maximum level of security that the device allows. If the user has a more complex and newer device, he will certainly get better security. But even if the user has an old device, he will get the maximum security that the device has to offer.
Many are disappointed that there is no way to import and export seed phrases between Argent Wallet and Braavos.
The seed phrase is inherently incompatible. Braavos believes it can agree on a minimum set of features that will be common to all wallets, but it also needs to get the other wallet's agreement.
Utility of Braavos token?
There is no information yet
Are you planning to convert Zealy points?
If people come to Discord, they might get a better answer. The only thing that can be said is that Braavos values its community very much. The point system is just a way to show up.
Where do you see the Braavos wallet in 10 years?
In the next 10 years, all wallets will become smart. So, either the traditional wallet adapts to smart wallets, or they will simply die out. Similar to what happened with feature phones like Nokia. As pioneers in this field, Braavos has introduced functionality, features and capabilities that have never been available in cryptocurrency, and Braavos will continue to do so.
Has Braavos ever considered itself a competitor to other wallets?
Braavos tries to focus on its users and in the future will focus on seeing what benefits it can bring to users. This is the key to creativity -
a good product that allows you to focus on what the user wants and needs.
Are there any plans to add dApps to the wallet soon to improve the Pro Score? How can you improve your Pro Score?
There will be two new protocols. The Pro Score formula is calculated from the following: how many protocols you interacted with, how many transactions and over what period of time.
Author DeCrypt, editing @evaneskate