On the site Intract a new section has appeared Collections - a real quest aggregator! It brings together all quests and giveaways across different platforms in one place.

Intract has selected several ecosystems and projects that are quite popular and added them to its platform, which greatly simplifies the process of completing quests for users, since now there is no need to switch from one platform to another - everything is in one place. Complete missions anywhere and watch your Intract XP accumulate.

This section is curated by real crypto geniuses - Alpha DropsMETA CRYPTOweb3easy And… harecrypta (represented by Ren)!

Immerse yourself in themed adventures and explore the world of escape rooms with carefully curated collections offering something unique for every enthusiast.

Each curator in the section has his own collection of quests. For example, in Rena's curator profile There are currently three collections available.

New in this section are reviews for quests and a 5-point rating system. Read reviews before taking quests and leave your reviews after to help others 👌

This section has just launched and is something new for both Intract and Harecrypta.

Author @evaneskate

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