Testnet Vertex - participate and grow rich!

Vertex Protocol is a cross-margin DEX for trading spot and futures products, borrowing assets and earning on deposits.

⚠️Vertex raised $8.5 million 🔥 from Hack VC, Dexterity Capital, Jane Street and others.

Public testnet launched 🔞


💥We get test Goerli ETH ( 0.2 ETH ) on website .
💥Next, connect your wallet to website and translate ETH from the network Goerli at Arbitrum Goerli.
💥Joining Discord project, go to the branch # public-testnet and click on react (green tube at the very top) for a role beta tester.
💥Connect your wallet to website and add network Arbitrum Goerli, then go to the tab Faucets and in turn mintim USDC, BTC and ETH.
💥Now go to the tab Overview, press deposit and deposit test tokens on the platform deposit. To do this, press Approve and Deposit.
💥Go to the tab spot and start testing spot trading (buy, sell) wBTC, wETH.
💥Go to the tab Perpetuals, choose a market wBTC, set the position Short (after Long), a market order and specify the amount wBTC and press Place Short Order.
💥long, short do with wETH.
💥Next, go to the tab Overview, press Withdraw and withdraw your assets from the platform.

If you find a bug, you can leave a review on the site. To do this, click on new post.

Minus :
The team states that no awards are planned for the public testnet😭, but we all know how the team likes to keep things under wraps, so banning 1-2 accounts will not be superfluous...😈

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