Previously we wrote about the Movement project, the first integrated blockchain network providing the fastest and most secure L2 on Ethereum. We actively performed Galxe tasks while waiting for the testnet. We've waited!
Movement announced about the launch of its public testnet MoveDrop. Anyone can join, regardless of whether you are a user, developer, gmover or content creator. Participants receive trophies, medals and resources for completing tasks.
MoveDrop consists of four main parts:
- Battle for Olympus (for developers);
- Construction of the Parthenon (for everyone);
- Gmove Twitter Content Campaign;
- Centurions (to be announced later).
We are interested in the Building the Parthenon part.
1. Go to the site testnet and connect your Galxe. Make sure your wallets are connected to your Galxe: EVM, Aptos (recommended Razor Wallet) and Sui (Nightly Wallet);
2. You must select guild. Guilds provide you with specific paths to follow based on your skills and interests. The site is temporarily down, you can view the guilds Here;
3. Request via tap test tokens to your wallets;
4. Go to the tab with quests and begin to fulfill all available ones. There are a lot of quests, ranging from simple subscriptions on Twitter, activities in Discord and ending with on-chain activities in different projects. Verification of all quests through Galxe;
5. In the tab Apps We explore all available projects of Movement ecosystem partners;
6. Received inventory can be tracked Here, and the leaderboard Here;
7. Daily we take away Galxe points for visiting the Battle of Olympus website.
More Here.