Over the past two months, more than 20 projects have already distributed drops for staking. Even those from whom they were not expected poured in!
A new trend in the field of drops allows networks to accumulate TVL in their protocols, and projects to distribute drops to those who did not rush to drain all their coins at once.
I threw it into staking and got a drop.
The hype around such drops does not subside to this day.👄
We remind you of the list of coins that can be awarded for staking, and the approximate shooting ranges at the moment:
- IN Keplr, go to the control panel, select Celestia and stake $TIA;
- or go to the website MilkyWay, connect your wallet and stake $TIA.
Potentially, first of all, we are waiting for a drop from Fuel Network, like for $DYM
We divide wallets into tiers:
-From 1-2 $TIA (more like a fool, Dymension distributed from 1 $TIA)
-From 5.5 $TIA (more than 100$)
-From 35 $TIA (AltLayer distributed from 35 $TIA)
-From 55 $TIA (more than 1000$)
— in the EVM network we stake in portal
- V Keplr into the space ecosystem
Potentially we are waiting for a drop from $WORM and $AVAIL
We divide the wallets into shooting ranges, there have been no drop precedents here yet, we do it one by one:
-From 1 $DYM (for a fool)
-From 7.5 $DYM (more than 50$)
-From 15 $DYM (more than 100$)
-From 100 $DYM (more than 500$)
At Solana chain we have steak on portal and don't forget to indicate in profile evm address
Zeroland distributed additional points for staking $PYTH
We divide wallets into tiers:
-From 20 $PYTH (for a fool)
-From 100 $PYTH (more than 50$)
-From 250 $PYTH (Nabla Finance announced distribution from such quantity)
-From 1000 $PYTH (more than 500$)
— Let's go to the wallet Keplr, go to the control panel, stake $INJ;
- Go to website Black Panther, steak $INJ;
There have already been a lot of drops for $INJ stakers
Shooting ranges:
-From 2 $INJ (more than 50$)
-From 5 $INJ (more than 100$)
-From 20 $INJ (more than 500$)
5. SUI Network $SUI
— Go to the SUI wallet and stake at least 30 $SUI;
- Go to website Haedal, connect your wallet and stake at least 30 $SUI;
- Go to website Volo, connect your wallet and stake at least 30 $SUI.
There have been no drop precedents yet
- Go to website Marginfi, connect your wallet and stake your $JUP;
- Go to website Meteora, connect the wallet and tokens to the DLMM x2 pool.
-From 100 $JUP (more than 50$)
-From 200 $JUP (more than 100$)
-From 1000 $JUP (more than 500$)
What other coins do you see for staking and your tiers?
Author @evaneskate