CHAD LIST with cool on-chain analytics!

Based thread from Defi_mochi

💥To make X100 📈 💰 you need the highest quality of alpha and analytics to notice early stage narratives ahead of the game!

Follow the kids below for some of the most valuable dashboards to help you get ahead of DeFi in 2023. Here LSD, NFTfi, AI and more!

1. @hildobby_

💸OG Dune wizard @dragonfly_xyzwho created an amazing staking dashboard for ETH, which would help you find tokens such as $FXS$WISE$LDO long before growth. His dashboards exceed my capabilities, and the speed is simply phenomenal.

2. @richardchen39

🔥Richard is NFT focused, he made this amazing NFTfi dashboard, which helped identify trends in increasing NFT lendingtaken in tokens such as $BEND , $JPEG and $X2Y2, each of which grew 2-3 times in the last week alone!

3. @MSilb7

💎Msilb - data scientist @optimismFND , he created several most complete dashboards on @optimismFNDto help you understand users, trending protocols and identify underestimated gems, such as $VELO, which has quadrupled this month.

4. @HenryBitmode

📊Henry creates detailed dashboards for almost every layer 2 and layer 1, which can be found from @FantomFDN before @arbitrum. He personally won many contests from @uniswap And @GMX_IO and very talented. Watch it dash on @arbitrum !


⚡Let's never forget Spring Zhang. He seems to be speaking SQL and not English as he creates dashboards literally 30 minutes after the announcement of the airdrop. This is the favorite eth whale dashboard.

6. @0xkofi

🤓Dashboard of trend contracts @0xkofi has been extremely valuable to me in defining these contracts for accessing user counts and txn's fully tagged by the community! Note: I would really appreciate it if you supported Kofi.

7. @JamesCliffyz

📑@JamesCliffyz makes some of the highest quality dashboards and digging into eth logs to provide you with exhaustive reviews (perp dexes)@RDNTCapital@redactedcartel and much more!

8. @gm365

🔍Given the potential for ZK to appear, would highly recommend tracking aztec and zk money activity using it dashboard, as it displays active users, gas, and contributors, which will help you determine when the narrative starts to develop!

9. @unionepro

📈This dune magician created OG @GainsNetwork_io dashboard, which is ideal for determining height $GNS By @arbitrum And @0xPolygon. I recommend tracking growth with it dashboardto notice upcoming narratives ((Perp)).

10. @hagaetc

👌Don't forget about @hagaetc, co-founder @DuneAnalytics. Although it dashboards, perhaps not the best at identifying narratives, they are great for identifying macro movements in cryptocurrency! I recommend tracking this stablecoin!

11. @tomwanhh @21Shares

🔥Tom and the guys from @21Shares incredibly creative dashboards about proof of reserves for almost all large organizations from 3AC before FTX And Binance! They are greatly underestimated!

Author: Inna

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