Secrets of pumping karma on Coinlist!

The maximum possible karma amount at the moment is 4200 points.
​You can get them for 7 activities:

​1. Trader - 600 points

​Given for paying a trading commission on the site.
Activity is available.

​2. Staker - 600 points

Given for holding various tokens for a period of about 2 months.
Activity is available.

​3. Lender Borrower - 250 points

​Given for holding various tokens for a period of 1 to 6 months (depending on your luck).
Currently not available, but it appears suddenly and you need to have time to “bring it in”.
​4. Token Champion - 500 points

​Achievement for old people. Given if you participate in all sales for a year in a row. Passed or not, it makes no difference - the main thing is the fact of participation.
Activity is available.

5. Validator - 1000 points

​For techies - they give it for participating in validator programs.
Currently unavailable.

​6. Developer - 1000 points

Currently not available.

​In total, you can get 600 points for trading (but in fact 400).

​We lay out:
  • ​4 trades on Coinlist: +100 karma
  • ​Perform Mint-Reedem BTC 2 times: +100 karma
  • ​4 trades on Coinlist Pro: +100 karma
  • ​4 trades via the Coinlist mobile app on iOS or Android: +100 karma
  • ​Make a trade on Coinlist OTC: +200 karma​An important point - sometimes our “List” is a greyhound and 4 trades are not enough. In such cases, you will need to make 5-6-7 or more trades until the winner. In a separate browser tab, open the page with karma to watch in real time how we are swinging and experience moral satisfaction from the process.

First, we purchase coins that will be needed later for staking. You need three coins for this task. You can pay the minimum amount indicated by coinlist in the conditions.

Then the cue ball turns according to plan from btc to wbtc by pressing the mint button.


Now we need to feed Coinlist a little more by running the Mint-Redeem cycle again. And after that, the second hundred of karma is in our pocket. You need to perform the actions 4 circles back and forth.

And the last step is coinlist PRO.


The purchase terminal on PRO looks a little scarier, but you can handle it. We make sure that the third hundred of karma is in our pocket and withdraw coins to the main Coinlist account. Important: we always check the karma on the account after each step.

And personally, I repeat all these steps once a week. What I advise you to do above. There is also permanent karma for 1 year of sales participation.

Guide author: Geohookah

#Coinlist #karma #nft

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