L0 is essentially the "ground floor", the foundation that allows L1 to run smoothly.
▫️ 30+ transactions;
▫️ Interaction of networks among themselves: Avalanche, FTM, Polygon, BNB, Aptos, Optimism, Arbitrum, Arbitrum Nova, Moonbeam;
▫️ Interaction with bridges: Stargate Bridge, Bitcoin Bridge, Aptos Bridge, Jumper;
▫️ Staking $STG, access to badges in Guild.
Expenses: commission 20$ + hold on account 15-70$.
To get started, buy 150$ - 250$ online Avalanche C-Chain

- Swap $AVAX > $USDC (1$ - 3$);
- Then swap $AVAX > $STG (the remaining amount).

- We convert all $USDC Avalanche to $USDC Aptos, indicating Gas On Destination - 0.05 APT. Wait, press Claim;
- Convert $USDC Aptos back to $USDC Avalanche, Gas on Destination - NONE.

- We transfer all $STG Avalanche to Optimism/Arbirtum, indicating Gas on destination - 0.001 ETH;
- Convert $STG Optimism/Arbirtum (depending on where you transferred it earlier) to BNB, indicating Gas on destination - 0.0026 BNB;
- We transfer $STG BNB back to Avalanche, Gas on Destination - NONE;
- We make 7+ transactions using different networks in random order - Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, Polygon, BNB (do not forget to select each network at least once);
- We translate a little $STG into Polygon. At the same time we do Polygon quest And Bridge quest on Layer3 (L0 activity + wallet activity).

Back to TRADER JOE and swap all $STG Avalanche to $BTC.b, leaving 1 $STG.
- We translate $BTC.b into Polygon, indicating Gas on destination - 0.7 $MATIC;
- Convert $BTC.b Polygon to Avalanche. We complete the quest for layer3.

Back to TRADER JOE and swap all $BTC.b to $USDC Avalanche.
Again we go to STARGATE BRIDGE and convert $USDC Avalanche to Polygon, specifying Gas on destination - 0.15 $MATIC.
Swap $USDC Polygon to $STG Polygon (minimum 100 $STG).
Let's go to site and request NFT in any network (Request button). Taking points for Galxe.

After a successful branding, you need to send the NFT to another network.

Then go to the tab zkMessenger and send any message to any wallet in the Arbitrum Nova and Moonbeam networks.

⚫ STARGATE STAKE. Select Arbitrum/Optimism network:
We stake 30+ $STG (for the maximum possible amount);
We get $veSTG. The more staking time we enter, the more $veSTG we get for every $STG;
The amount will decrease linearly over the time for which we stake, i.e. trend towards "0" $veSTG on unlock day. You can bet more than $STG for less time.
For getting Guild Badge need 25+ $veSTG.
This step will also allow you to vote on Snapshot Stargatewhere you need to vote at least 3 times.
I go to the site Guild, connect Metamask and social networks. Press Mint Guild Pin and mint in the Polygon network.

We make sure that we have received the following roles:
Regular activity:
Periodically send 0.1 $STG Avalanche to any networks
Author: evaneskate