Recall Polygon zkEvm launched a 6 week campaign on the platform Intract , where we will receive as rewards NFTs. For these NFTs, rewards are promised, which ones, specifically, have not yet been disclosed!
To complete this task in full, you will need min capital of about 29-30$.
Attention! To complete 8 optional points, you must already have at least 25$ + 0.8$ commission in Polygon ZKEVM, transfer the required amount to ZKEVM.
1. Let's move on on quest page
2. Connect wallet
3. Subscribe on Xyfinance ;
4. Doing cross swap with a bridge from any network to the air of the network Polygon ZkEVM.
Bridge fi 0.0008 ETH (from Polygon or BNB to ZKEVM)
The bridge is currently hanging.
5. Enter V Discord QuickSwap
6. Doing token exchange V QuickSwap online Polygon ZkEVM. You need to enter the hash of the transaction in an additional field, you can enter a previously made swap in the ecosystem. Gas price 0.9$.
7. Subscribe ObviousTech
8. Make a tweet, what do you think about wallet ObviousTech
9. 200 XP Quest, Optional! Open leverage positionin the protocolQuickPerps .
Min cost to open a position 25$ + Gas Price 0.8$
10. Branding the NFT
Gas price: ~0.5$ on Polygon zkEvm network
🗓 Deadline: August 9 10:00 Moscow time / Kyiv.