ICNS - did you order a domain in Cosmos?

ℹ️ ICNS is a domain service operating in the IBC multi-chain ecosystem. ICNS will allow users the ability to own a single name that represents their identity throughout the Cosmos ecosystem.

IMPORTANT: In connection with the launch of the DAO project announced about a potential airdrop.

Our actions:

➖ Install wallet Keplr (if you don't have it)
➖ Top up Keplr online OSMO 0.5 $OSMO ( 0.4$ )

PS OSMO can be purchased on Binance, MEXC, and also on Gate.

➖ Go to link.
➖ Press Claim Now.
➖ We pass authorization through Twitter.
➖ We produce mint, with the same nickname as your Twitter.

This domain is used in more than 26 networks in the Cosmos ecosystem, subscribe to Twitter ICNS and waiting for news.

Based thread.

Social network: Twitter Website

#Cosmos #ICNS #drop #OSMO #Keplr

VC | Telegram | Twitter Youtube | VK | Website

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