Based thread from Louround_

💥 Already thrown CHAD LIST with cool on-chain analytics!
Adding top 10 people anticipatory main trends narratives 🥂

🤫Here secret list of 10 tweeters, which should also be monitored

1. @CoinSurveyor

🔥He recently hit the jackpot by calling on $PILLS or $LVL before they take off! An absolute role model!

2. @DeFiMinty

💎Help you use some of the the most powerful tools to find your next gems!

3. @CompleteDegen

🔍Been a fan for a long time $UNIDX , a great project that pumps a lot and even more narratives are on the way.

4. @FungiAlpha

💪A group of children, which proudly includes and Louround_ !

They share some top alpha projects found. All of them are supervised by Gigachad @monosarin.

5. @Slappjakke

🤩He recently shared 10 promising unlaunched protocolsand I can only agree with him.

A great way to stay up to date with the latest events.

6. @Only1temmy

📈This chad represents some really useful tools and protocolswhile enlightening complex concepts #DeFi.

7. @Cryptoalpharian

He made several super-early forecasts that brought good income, here is one example.

8. @Teeznutz11

💎Absolute child who crushed the bear market both low and large gems.

9. @Chinchillah_

Here are some pure alpha projects on complex technologies like zk-Rollupsso that you can work comfortably with them.

10. @Govanisher

📊He reports lows of some major tokens, which we have recently seen, for example, $GMD, $Y2K, $BNC …

By the way, he said that will become private at 5 thousand subscribers, so don't miss it!

Bonus: @rektdiomedes

💥He is the same macro threadoor, no need to introduce it.

💸It releases a portfolio update every month, since inception in mid-November Arbitrum portfolio has already grown by 40%+.

As always, gems will be shared primarily through smol accounts with no conflicts of interest, so be sure to keep an eye on them.

AuthorRen and Inna 🪐

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