What the Polygon zkEVM?

layer2 scaling solution Ethereumenabling developers to efficiently deploy your smart contracts on the local networkwithout requiring changes to the source code. It uses Benefits of ZK-Rollups, which increases the speed of transactions and reduces the cost of their execution. All this makes this solution one of the the most convenient and efficient on the market.

Why do you need to do?
  • The main network has been launched March 27, 2023so we too early!
  • Collected over $450 million from: DragonFly, Animoca Brands, Sequioa Capital, Galaxy and more!
  • Co-Founder Polygon hinted drop on Twitter.

Mainnet activities:
  • Let's go to Chainlist and add network Polygon zkEVM in MM's wallet.
Переходим на Сhainlist и добавляем сеть Polygon zkEVM в кошелёк ММ.
  • Through official bridge transfer tokens to zkEVM and back.
Через официальный мост переводим токены в zkEVM и обратно.
Взаимодействуем с всеми известными мостами, как : Bungee, Orbiter, Multichain, Celer и др.

Additions : at the moment qwei is very high on ETH and we recommend transferring through other bridges from other networks, such as Orbiter. But it is mandatory to use the official bridge in the future, since this criterion may increase your drop or it will be the main criterion for obtaining future tokens.

We are active in 0vix :

After successful replenishment, we fill the number of transactions in the Polygon zkEVM network + we are active in other projects, like 0vix.

  • Let's go to 0vix and connect the wallet.
  • In the Supply Markets section, we throw in part of our ETH.
  • In the Borrow Markets section, we take any coin, for example USDC.
Переходим на 0vix и подключаем кошелёк.
В разделе Supply Markets закидываем часть своего ЕТН.
В разделе Borrow Markets берём любую монету, например USDC.

Additions : 0vix will soon launch its own and reward its users, so we advise everyone to be active in this project.

Activity quickswap

In this DEX we make exchanges, change our ETH for various coins, thereby warming up our wallet in the Polygon zkEVM network.

В данном DEX производим обмены, меняем свой ЕТН на различные монеты, тем самым прогреваем свой кошелёк в сети Polygon zkEVM.
Activity Clober

If you have free USDC, you can test + be active on the site called Clober. At the moment, there are very few trading pairs and there is no liquidity yet, but you can freely buy or sell for 1-2 USDC.

Активность Clober
Activity Antfarm :

An analogue of Quickswap, where you can make a swap, throw it into the pool in the Polygon zkEVM network.

Активность Antfarm :

At this stage, this is one of the main activities in the mainnet, but do not forget to regularly use bridges, both withdrawal and deposit, since in the future most bridges will have their own token and we will only increase the chances of receiving rewards.

PS If you have activities or projects in the Polygon zkEVM network, we will be happy to hear about them in our Telegram chat HareCrypta chat.

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