Abstract (987) is a consumer-facing blockchain based on advanced ZK cryptography and using the ZK Stack and EigenDA.
Investment amount unknown, among investors - Igloo, which bought Frame and subsequently transformed it into Abstract, as well as Electric Capital, Luca Netz and others.
Among the ventures a16z, eGirl Capital, Alliance, CoinFund and others were noticed, and the project’s followers included co-founder Scroll, co-founder Mon Protocol CHAR from Memecoin, NFT Paris And WOO X.
The other day the project launched a testnet in which it will be possible to qualify for a drop for minimal and free activities.
1. First things first take test tokens on the Sepolia network;
2. Go to site, connect the wallet and add the Abstract Testnet network;
3. We bridge test tokens from Sepolia to Abstract Testnet;
4. We do the bridge in the opposite direction;
5. We make transactions with other addresses;
6. Go to Discord in hopes of getting an Early role.