Based on threads
thread 1
thread 2
And Ren told in a podcast
Initially released on the protocol Ordinals tokens and NFTs were completely autonomous. With the introduction of recursive inscriptions, this should change.
Recursive inscriptions - protocol update Ordinals, allowing inscriptions refer Each other. This update opens up many new and interesting mechanic for inscriptions.
inscriptions can now use the special syntax "///content/:inscription_id' to query the contents of other inscriptions. And now, for example, instead of 10,000 JPEG files for a PFP collection, you can add 200 features from the collection, and then make 10,000 more entries, each using a small amount of code to query features and programmatically render the image.
Now all this will be stored on the network for more effective way. For example, in the case of bitcoin apes this upgrade could potentially save more $1 million on transaction fees.
OnChainMonkey went ahead and posted packages of p5.js and Three.js codes that absolutely any user can call. By calling these packages, 3D objects, programs, and even complex video games can be implemented on the protocol. What they did OnChainMonkeyby creating beautiful 3D art smaller than 1 KB. This means that the size limit in 4 MB for bitcoin NFT actually disappeared.
Let's say you want to run Bitcoin Core Client.
bitcoin core weighs about 15 MB is more than the 4MB size limit. Now it's possible divide into parts bitcoin core, download only executable interface, and the program will call the code it needs from other scripts.
“It is not yet clear how exactly people will use it. But this is undoubtedly an important moment in the history of Bitcoin,” the developer concluded. LeonidasNFT .
Based on threads 1 And 2 : Evaneskate