It turns out that it is very easy to check if the text is AI-generated or not.
To do this, it is enough to run the text through GPTZero is a tool for analyzing text and text files, which itself functions on the basis of AI. The tool checks for intricacies and torn text to determine if it is artificially generated or human-created.
The site is able to analyze texts generated by GPT-3, GPT-4, Bard and other AI tools. The service is completely free, however the free version has a limit of 5000 characters per document.
At the same time, there are tools that can hide the traces of AI in your text.
For example, PARAPHRASER in a matter of seconds, he can paraphrase the text in such a way that the end result will be readable, reasonable, free from plagiarism, and most importantly, as if written by a person. The service is also completely free, but with a limit of 600 words per document in the free version.
Artificial intelligence is a great tool that can significantly enrich and simplify our lives. However, he should remain only an assistant, and not become a full-fledged replacement. Do not abuse!
Based thread: Evaneskate