20 SIMPLE THINGS I wish I could say to my 20 year old self

Based gaining popularity thread from 17 aug from Sahil Bloom(617k subscribers)

(Happy Friday everyone, be trendy in everything, not just crypto)

1. Stop trying to be interesting and focus on be interested.

(in any process)

2. Call your parents often they won't always be there.

(most don't appreciate it when they have parents)

3. Make decisionsthat your 80 year old and 10 year old would be proud of "I".

4. Most of your friends are in fact are not your friends. They're just there when it's fun, convenient, or profitable.

5. Stop Worrying about what other people think of you.

(I would add more lines from the song "While I thought what they would think,

people thought what I thought of them")

6. You don't know what you want to be when you grow up and it's wonderful!

7. Stop following the paths that other people have laid out for you. Create your own tracks.

(slightly altered the original tweet)

8. Finding the truth much more important than being right.

9. Cut anchors from your life (people and things that hold you back, do not allow you to move and develop).

‼️10. Separate thinking (Compartmentalization) - it's a superpower (in simple words, this is a defense mechanism that allows a person to contain logically incompatible ideas, thoughts, attitudes)

(do not dwell on the contradictions received from life, just accept it as it is, separate thinking helps in this)‼️

11. Not all solutions are reversible, but most of them are reversed.

12. Your college grades don't matter much, but your the ability to learn is really important.

13. Know the power of perseverance and perseverance.

(of all the "muscles" will hardest to train)

14. Create tribe of mentors.

(precisely the tribe where the budatt feel not just command, but generic ligaments)

15. To reach great heights, it takes a lot of hard work.

16. Learn keep hitting.

17. Learn to create OR learn to sell - better yet Learn to CREATE AND SELL.

18. You don't know anythingbut you are not alone.

19. Stop being afraid to be different youre the difference is your POINT.

(point of mind, body And souls)

20. Closed mouths will not feed.

It would seem that these truths are obvious in any business coaching, by no means, my correction right away is that this thread was translated, among other things, for the sake of a new non-obvious idea and thought V 10 point, separate thinking is needed more than ever in our current contradictory life; such times now, contradictions in relations with people, in the family, in the state, separate thinking needs to be developed and requires further disclosure of the topic.

Translation author: Lyubasha And Ren

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