💥 In 2023 no e-mail will be safe. Mail servers will hacked and eventually closed because there will be no way to use them without putting your entire identity and data set at risk.

💥Twitter survive the current hype, but there will be an unexpected and massive exodus BACK V Facebook.
Mastodon will return to the game!

💥About bear. Much of 2023 will be depressing for degens. There will be several bright flashes and one especially dark. All I can tell you is to choose your info fields And investments. Bears will be fine and for most it will be period of intense losses. most successful project NFT 2023 the year will be one that will take a fresh look at something very old and bring great wealth - for a few.

💥 2022 the year was a year of great upheavals. 2023 the year will be a year of marking time, at least until November, and then, rockets and flights to the moon!

NFT degen Mybal

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